Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pedicure Incentive

I know the shoe/thong/sort of gladiator butohsomuchbetter/sandal are all over L.A. already but they are only slowly creeping into the Canadian market - and even then not at an affordable rate. Not that cost has ever stopped me from falling in love before. I searched for them last summer to no avail, but it looks like this year they may be everywhere.
Another possible alternative to this is leather spats over my current sandals - which is an idea that only occured to me today when i saw a tres cute pair of leather spats at Eugene Choo.

Oh what the heck... one more..

Considering my love for tea cups and cake plates it should come as no surprise that this necklace sings to me.

You can bet this is being added to my DIY list... I think I'm going to have to set up some regular craft nights with the girls...

Headband Love

In the spirit of DIY I'm super inspired by these lovelies...

Now I don't usually wear headbands but I feel like that has a lot to do with the major absence of lovely specimens and the fact that anything that does exist and falls into the 'lovely specimen' category tends to cost and arm and a leg (which I'm all out of). ANYWAYS these bad boys inspire me to get a bit crafty... stay tuned.

Loving the gold leather - I've been seeing hits of it here and there over the last year. And the Pink satin one has this girly/flapper feel to it that i am enjoying. And how great is this gathered concept!?

DIY love!

I've never really been much of a DIYer with the exception of some home decor & gifts a few years ago, however this past year I fell in love with a lamp at Pottery Barn and thanks to my budget and the suggestion of a friend I embarked on my first DIY adventure and loved my $35 version (vs. the beloved PB original @ $170). (i'll post pictures of inspiration vs. my version soon!)

Well now I'm inspired again, this is particularly exciting because it combines a whole bunch of things that I love into two fabulous projects. As my friends and family know I have a tea cup (particularly antique china) and cake plate love affair (read: minor obsession). I have an old tea set from my mom that is white with cobalt blue and it's piecey and has suffered some chips that's pretty much just sitting around in my buffet cabinet. I also have a really cute pink plate that i loved too much to not buy last year at Anthropologie and since then I've been restricting myself on more of the same type of purchases as really i don't need them... until now!

I was surfing through a favorite website of mine for inspiration for something completely different but I am so excited about what i found and as it turns out now I'm super inspired to put all these loves of mine to good use.

I've been wanting a chandelier for my bathroom but not wanting to shell out $300+ for a decent one. So what better than to make one myself? And use some of my teacups while i'm at it!?

And I've also decided recently to start collecting cake plates - not for the sake of collecting them but more because i love them so much and so why not buy the ones that sing to me? I want one for my bathroom to just hold a variety of lovely soaps - preferably in pretty packages and delicious scents. And I've got one in my living room that matches one of my favorite tea cups and has chocolates and cookies on it at all times. So how brilliant are these cake plates made of lovely plates and tea cups and glasses!? Too many of these would be a bit gauche but i think one made of strategically chosen plates and glasses would be a welcome addition in my home.

Ok so stay tuned as I've got the DIY bug and I've got more ideas to post about, and I'll be sure to post my own versions as soon as I've got them done!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

True Love

The highlight of The Spring '09 Couture shows for me was unquestionably Christian Dior . Of course how could it not be when John Galliano made the most beautiful dress in the world just for me.
Jill summed up the Christian Dior collection perfectly, it was a series of 'Tea Cup Dresses', and this one even had some Delft Blue in it! It's no secret I have a smattering of my Dutch heritage displayed around my house, or that I collect antique tea cups, nor is it a secret that i have an obsession with ball gowns - so thank you Galliano for making this dress just for me. To sum it up; I would get 'Married and Buried' in this piece of art.